Once the application has been granted by the Court, you must request e-filing access through PACER. This is a one-time requirement. Subsequent applications for admission pro hac vice will not require further access requests. More detail is available at: http://www.gand.uscourts.gov/ecf-access-phv-attorneys. You also may contact attorney admissions staff at 404-215-1600 with any questions.
Once you have received e-filing access, you will have privileges to electronically file and view documents, view official docket sheets, and query various reports for cases in the Electronic Case Files ("ECF") system. Users of the ECF system must comply with the Federal Rules of Civil & Criminal Procedure; the Local Rules, including the Standing Order and procedures in Appendix H; and all administrative orders and policies of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.
By placing a check in the acceptance box below, you agree to abide by all Court rules, orders, policies, and procedures governing the use of the electronic filing system. You also consent to receiving notices of filing pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure via the ECF system. The combination of login and password serves as the signature of the attorney filing the documents in ECF. You must protect the security of your password and immediately notify the Court if you learn that your password has been compromised. By submitting this registration form, you agree to abide by the requirements stated herein.