Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameNorthern District of Georgia
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.3)
ECF Go Live Date07/15/2004
Maximum PDF File Size30MB
Maximum Merge Document Size150 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)500
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 1:25-cv-00617-LMM

Court Locations
Court's Name Northern District of Georgia
Court's Address United States Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30303-3361
Court's Phone Number 404-215-1655
Court's Hours 8:00am - 4:45pm, M-F
Court's Name Northern District of Georgia - Gainesville Division
Court's Address United States Courthouse, 121 Spring Street-Room 201, Gainesville, GA 30501
Court's Phone Number 678-450-2760
Court's Name Northern District of Georgia - Newnan Division
Court's Address Lewis R. Morgan Federal Bldg. & Courthouse, 18 Greenville Street, Newnan, GA 30264
Court's Phone Number 678-423-3060
Court's Name Northern District of Georgia - Rome Division
Court's Address United States Courthouse, 600 East First Street, Rome, GA 30161
Court's Phone Number 706-378-4060

Court Offices

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
0monthsNo Discovery Track
12months12-Month Discovery Track
2241Habeas Corpus (Federal)
2254Habeas Corpus (State)
2255Motion to Vacate Sentence
3JDGPNLThree Judge Panel
4months4-Month Discovery Track
6months6-Month Discovery Track
821821 - 18 USC 3582(c)(2)
8months8-Month Discovery Track
9months9-Month Discovery Track
AJBReferred to Judge Baverman
CASREFCase referred
CCBReferred to Judge Bly
CCBLC1Judge Bly's Law Clerk 1
CCBLC2Judge Bly's Law Clerk 2
CCHReferred to Judge Hagy
CLASSClass Action
CLOSEDCase Closed
CMSReferred to Judge Salinas
COMPLEXCase Complex
CONSOLCase Consolidated - Member Case
CVBCentral Violations Bureau
CertRdyTrlDefendant Certified Ready for Trial
DAVISDavis 2255
DEATHDeath Penalty Case
ECSReferred to Judge Scofield
FIRSTSTEPFirst Step Act - 2255
GGBReferred to Judge Brill
HABEASHabeas Corpus
HSCHighly Sensitive Case
JCFReferred to Judge Fuller
JEMReferred to Judge McBath
JFKReferred to Judge King
JKLReferred to Judge Larkins
JMFReferred to Judge Feldman
JSAReferred to Judge Anand
LEADCase Consolidated - Lead Case
LONGEstimated Trial Time-Long
LTDREFLimited Referral
LTWReferred to Judge Walker
MDLMulti-District Litigation
MEDIUMEstimated Trial Time-Medium
MJSELECTMagistrate Judge Selected
MLBLC3Judge Brown's Law Clerk 3
MOTREFMotion referred
PROTOProtective Order
RDCReferred to Judge Cannon
REFMOTReferring Motion
REHAIFRehaif 2255
REOPENCase Reopened
RGVReferred to Judge Vineyard
SDGLC1Judge Grimberg's Law Clerk 1
SDGLC2Judge Grimberg's Law Clerk 2
SDGLC3Judge Grimberg's Law Clerk 3
SEALEDCase Sealed
SEAL_MaterialSealed Material Filed
SHORTEstimated Trial Time-Short
SSCReferred to Judge Cole
STAYCase Stayed
SUBMDJSubmission to District Judge
SUBMMGSubmission to Magistrate Judge
TAYLORTaylor 2255
TILTruth In Lending Case
TRJLC1Judge Tiffany Johnson's Law Clerk 1
TRJLC2Judge Tiffany Johnson's Law Clerk 2
TRJLC3Judge Tiffany Johnson's Law Clerk 3
TROTemporary Restraining Order
TitleVIIEmployment Discrimination - Title VII
TransSupTransfer of Supervision
VMCLC1Judge Calvert's Law Clerk 1
VMCLC2Judge Calvert's Law Clerk 2
VMCLC3Judge Calvert's Law Clerk 3
WEJReferred to Judge Johnson
WMRLC1Judge Ray's Law Clerk 1
WMRLC2Judge Ray's Law Clerk 2
WMRLC3Judge Ray's Law Clerk 3

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